Does this sound familiar?
Your prospects go through your website but don’t understand what you do.
You are not sure if your pricing is correct. It's revised every few months and mostly keeps getting lower.
You have great product reviews but your growth has stagnated and threatening your margins.
Let's work on your positioning!
First we understand your business and products
Our discovery process is designed to understand your business as much as you understand it, but from a customer lens. Our Goal is to understand your strengths, weakness and unexplored opportunities.
Audit your current positioning
We conduct primary and secondary research to understand what's the market scenario is, who is your audience and how are you positioned today. This is the stage when we also audit your website, socials and analyse your competitors to get the full picture.
Identify positioning options
Over a series of brainstorming sessions, we'll help you answer the most important positioning questions:
Why do we exist?
Who are we building for?
How do we add value?
​Where will we win?
How will we establish Emotional/Social Connect?
What will we do differently?
Re-create home-page wireframe and product hypothesis
We will create a wireframe of your home page's hero section to agree on the positioning and create an information architecture of the website, so that you are able to claim the space using content.
We will also create a one-page document to indicate the kind of product, brand or revenue extensions you should have for claiming your positioning.